Gautam Basu
Professor (retired), Biophysics
Gautam Basu
Professor (retired), Biophysics, Biophysics
PhD: Cornell University, 1991
Previous appointments:
1993-1995 Postdoctoral Fellow, Kyoto University
Research interests:
The focus of my research group is to
understand biological problems at the molecular level where
molecular structure plays a vital role. We use both experimental
and theoretical / computational tools.
Address: |
Department of Biophysics Centenary Campus Bose Institute P-1/12 C.I.T. Scheme VII-M Kolkata - 700054, India |
E-Mail: | gautam[at]jcbose.ac.in |
Phone: | +91-33-25693215 |
1. Dasgupta, R.,
Ganguly, H. K., Modugula, E. K., Basu, G. (2016) Type VIa
beta-turn-fused helix N-termini: A novel helix N-cap motif containing cis
proline. Biopolymers (Peptide Science) (DOI:
2. Mahata, T.,
Kanungo, A., Ganguly, S., Modugula, E. K., Choudhury, S., Pal, S. K., Basu, G.,
Dutta, S. (2016) The Benzyl Moiety in a Quinoxaline-Based Scaffold Acts
as a DNA Intercalation Switch. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 55:7733-7736.
3. Chattopadhyay,
S., Haresh, A., Basu, G. (2016) Effect of introducing Aib in a designed
helical inhibitor of HDM2-p53 interaction: A molecular dynamics study. Biopolymers
(Peptide Science) 106:51-61.
4. Jordan, P. C.,
Patterson, D. P., Saboda, K. N., Edwards, E. J., Mietten-Granger, H., Basu, G.,
Thielges, M. C., Douglas, T. (2016) Self-Assembling Biomolecular
Catalysts for Hydrogen Production. Nature Chemistry 8:179-185.
5. Schwarz, B.,
Madden, P., Avera, J., Gordon, B., Larson, K., Mietten, H., Uchida, M.,
LaFrance, B., Basu, G., Rynda-Apple, A., Douglas, T. (2015) Symmetry
Controlled, Genetic Presentation of Bio-Active Proteins on the P22 Virus-like
Particle using Bacteriophage L Decoration Protein. ACS Nano 9:9134-9147.
6. Das, M., Basu,
G. (2015) Protein-protein association rates captured in a single
geometric parameter. Proteins: Structure, Function and
Bioinformatics 83:1557-1562.
7. Chongdar, N.,
Dasgupta, S., Dutta, A. B., Basu, G. (2015) Dispensability of zinc and
the putative zinc-binding domain in bacterial glutamyl-tRNA synthetase. Biosci.
Rep. 35:e00184.
8. Chongdar, N.,
Dasgupta, S., Dutta, A. B., Basu, G. (2014) Preliminary X-ray
crystallographic analysis of an engineered glutamyl-tRNA synthetase from
Escherichia coli Acta Crystallogr. F Struct. Biol. Commun. 70:922-927.
9. Dasgupta, S.,
Basu, G. (2014) Evolutionary insights about bacterial GlxRS from whole
genome analyses: Is GluRS2 a chimera? BMC Evol. Biol. 14:26.
10. Kumar, A.,
Manna, A., Ray, U., Mullick, R., Basu, G., Das, S., Roy, S. (2014)
Specific Sequence of a Beta-turn in Human La Protein May Contribute to Species
Specificity of Hepatitis C Virus J. Virol. 88:4319-4327.
11. Goswami, N.,
Baksi, A., Giri, A., Xavier, P.L., Basu, G., Pradeep, T., Pal, S.K. (2014)
Luminescent iron clusters in solution. Nanoscale 6:1848-1854.
12. Chakraborti, S.,
Dhar, G., Dwivedi, V., Das, A., Poddar, A., Chakrabarti, G., Basu, G.,
Chakrabarti, P., Surolia, A., Bhattacharyya, B. (2013) Stable and potent
analogs derived from the modification of the dicarbonyl moiety of curcumin.
Biochemistry 52:7449-7460.
13. Ganguly, H. K.,
Kaur, H., Basu, G. (2013) Local control of cis-peptidyl-prolyl bonds
mediated by CH-π interactions: The Xaa-Pro-Tyr motif. Biochemistry
14. Das, S.,
Banerjee, B., Hossain, M., Thangamuniyandi, M., Dasgupta, S., Chongdar, N.,
Suresh Kumar, G., Basu, G. (2013) Characterization of DNA binding property
of the tumor suppressor protein Integrase Interactor 1 (INI1/hSNF5). Plos
One 8:e66581.
15. Manna, A. K.,
Kumar A., Ray, U., Das, S., Basu, G., Roy, S. (2013) A cyclic peptide
mimic of an RNA recognition motif of human La protein is a potent inhibitor of
hepatitis C virus. Antiviral Res. 97:223-226.
16. O'Neil, A.,
Prevelige, P. E., Basu, G., Douglas, T. (2012) Co-Confinement of
Fluorescent Proteins: Spatially Enforced Communication of GFP and mCherry
Encapsulated Within the P22 Capsid. Biomacromolecules
17. Das, M., Basu,
G. (2012) Glycine Rescue of β-Sheets from cis-Proline. J.
Am. Chem. Soc. 134:13536-13539.
18. Das, L.,
Bhattacharya, B., Basu, G. (2012) Rationalization of paclitaxel
insensitivity of yeast β-tubulin and human βIII-tubulin isotype using principal
component analysis. BMC Research Notes 5:395.
19. Saha, R.,
Dasgupta, S., Banerjee, R., Mitra-Bhattacharyya, A., Soll, D., Basu, G., Roy,
S. (2012) A functional loop spanning distant domains of glutaminyl-tRNA
synthetase also stabilizes a molten globule state. Biochemistry
20. Dasgupta, S.,
Manna, D., Basu, G. (2012) Structural and functional consequences of
mutating a proteobacteria-specific surface residue in the catalytic domain of
E. coli GluRS. FEBS Lett. 586:1724-1730.
21. Ganguly, H. K.,
Majumder, B., Chattopadhyay, S., Chakrabarti, P., Basu, G. (2012) Direct
Evidence for CH-π Interaction Mediated Stabilization of Pro-cisPro Bond in
Peptides with Pro-Pro-Aromatic motifs. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
22. Banerjee, S.,
Bhowmik, D., Verma, P. K., Mitra, R. K., Sidhhanta, A., Basu, G., Pal, S. (2011)
Ultrafast Spectroscopic Study on Caffeine Mediated Dissociation of Mutagenic
Ethidium from Synthetic DNA and Various Cell Nuclei. J. Phys.
Chem. B 115:14776-83.
23. Banerjee, S.,
Verma, P. K., Mitra, R. K., Basu, G., Pal, S. K. (2011) Probing the
Interior of Self-Assembled Caffeine Dimer at Various Temperatures. J.
Fluoresc. 22:753-69.
24. Chakraborti, S.,
Das, L., Kapoor, N., Das, A., Dwivedi, V., Poddar, A., Chakrabarti, G., Janik,
M. E., Basu, G., Panda, D., Chakrabarti, P., Surolia, A., Bhattacharyya, B. (2011)
Curcumin recognizes a unique binding site of tubulin. J. Med.
Chem. 54:6183-6196.
25. Cheema, J. and Basu G. (2011) MAPS: An interactive web server for membrane annotation of transmembrane proteins. Ind. J. Biochem. Biophys. 48:106-110. MAPS Webserver
26. Pradhan, S. K.,
Dasgupta, D., Basu G. (2011) Human telomere d[(TTAGGG)4]
undergoes a conformational transition to the Na+-form upon binding with
sanguinarine in presence of K+. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.
27. Neogy, R. K.,
Nath, R., Basu, G., Raychaudhuri, A. K. (2010) Single step precursor
free synthesis and characterisation of stable Au nanochains by laser ablation.
[cond-mat.mtrl-sci] .
28. Dasgupta, S.,
Saha, R., Dey, C., Banerjee, R., Roy S, Basu G. (2009) The role of the
catalytic domain of E. coli GluRS in tRNAGln discrimination. FEBS
Lett. 583:2114-2120.
29. Banerjee R,
Chattopadhyay S, Basu G. (2009) Conformational preferences of a short
Aib/Ala-based water-soluble peptide as a function of temperature, Proteins
30. Das M, Basu G. (2009)
Coulomb energies of protein-protein complexes with monopole-free charge
distributions. J. Mol. Graph. Model. 27:846-51.
31. Saha R, Dasgupta
S, Basu G, Roy S. (2009) A chimaeric glutamyl:glutaminyl-tRNA
synthetase: implications for evolution. Biochem. J. 417:449-55.
32. Dasgupta, B,
Chakrabarti, P, Basu, G. (2007) Enhanced stability of cis Pro-Pro
peptide bond in Pro-Pro-Phe sequence motif. FEBS Lett. 581:4529-32.
33. Banerjee M, Bhattacharyya, B., Basu, G. (2007)
Differential colchicine-binding across eukaryotic families: the role of highly
conserved Pro268β and Ala248β residues in animal tubulin. FEBS Lett.
34. Saha. R. P., Basu, G., Chakrabarti P. (2006) Cloning, expression, purification, and characterization of Vibrio cholerae transcriptional activator. HlyU. Protein Expr. Purif. 48:118-25.
35. Allen M, Bulte JW, Liepold L, Basu G, Zywicke HA,
Frank JA, Young M, Douglas T. (2005) Paramagnetic viral nanoparticles as
potential high-relaxivity magnetic resonance contrast agents. Magn.
Reson. Med. 54:807-812.
36. Gupta S, Banerjee M, Poddar A, Banerjee A, Basu G,
Roy D, Bhattacharyya B. (2005) Biphasic kinetics of the
colchicine-tubulin interaction: role of amino acids surrounding the a ring of
bound colchicine molecule. Biochemistry 44:10181-10188.
37. Basu, G., Sivanesan, D., Kawabata, T., Go, N. (2004)
Electrostatic Potential of Nucleotide-free Protein is Sufficient for
Discrimination Between Adenine and Guanine-specific Binding Sites. J.
Mol. Biol. 342:1053-1066.
38. Dasgupta, B., Pal, L., Basu, G. & Chakrabarti, P. (2004) Expanded turn conformations: Characterization and sequence-structure correspondence in α-turns with implications in helix folding. Proteins 55:305-315.
Basu, G., Allen, M., Willits, D., Young, M. &
Douglas, T. (2003) Metal Binding to Cowpea Mottle Virus Using Tb(III)
Fluorescence. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 8:721-725.
Pal, L., Chakrabarti, Basu, G. (2003)
Sequence and Structural Patterns in Proteins from an Analysis of the Shortest
Helices: Implications for helix nucleation. J. Mol. Biol. 326:273-291.
Tanimoto, S., Basu, G., Kawabata, T., Go, N. (2003)
On the Accuracy of Transmembrane Segment Prediction of Helical Integral
Membrane Proteins. Genome Informatics 14: 557-558.
Banerjee, R., Basu, G. (2002) A Short
Aib/Ala-based Peptide-helix is as Stable as an Ala-based Peptide-Helix Double
its Length. ChemBioChem 3:1263-1266.
Banerjee, R., Basu, G. (2002) Direct
evidence for alteration of unfolding profile of a helical peptide by
far-ultraviolet circular dichroism aromaticside-chain contribution. FEBS
Lett. 523:152-156..
Banerjee, R., Basu, G., Chene, P., Roy, S. (2002)
Aib-based Peptide Backbone as Scaffolds for Helical Peptide Mimics. J.
Pep. Res. 60:88-94.
45. Pal, L., Basu, G., Chakrabarti, P. (2002) Variants of 310-helices in Proteins. Proteins 48, 571:579.
Kar, S., Sakaguchi, K., Shimohigashi, Y., Samaddar,
S., Banerjee, R., Basu, G., Swaminathan, V., Kundu, T. K., Roy, S. (2002)
Effect of Phosphorylation on the Structure and Fold of Transactivation domain
of p53. J. Biol. Chem. 277:15579-15585.
Sivanesan, D., Basu, G., Go, N. (2002) The
Role of Electrostatics in Discrimination of Adenine and Guanine by Proteins.
Genome Informatics 13: 316-317.
Ghose, M., Mandal, S., Roy, D., R. K. Mandal, Basu,
G. (2001) Dielectric Relaxation in a Single Tryptophan Protein. FEBS
Lett. 509:337-340.
Pal, D., Mahapatra, P., Manna, T., Chakrabarti, P.,
Bhattacharyya, B., Banerjee, A., Basu, G., Roy, S. (2001) Conformational
properties of α-tubulin tail peptide: Implications for tail-body interaction. Biochemistry
Sengupta, J., Ray, P. K. & Basu, G. (2001)
Solution structure of an immunoactive peptide from Staphylococcal Protein A. J.
Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 18:773-881.
Pal, L. & Basu, G. (2001) Neural Network
Prediction of 310-helices in proteins. Ind. J. Biochem.
Biophys. 38:107-114.
Kettani, A., Basu, G., Gorin, A., Majumdar, A.,
Skripkin, E. & Patel, D. J. (2000) A two-stranded template-based
approach to G.(C-A) triad formation: designing novel structural elements into
an existing DNA framework. J. Mol. Biol. 301:129-146.
Pal, L. & Basu, G. (1999) Novel protein
structural motifs containing two-turn and longer 310-helices. Protein
Eng. 12:811-814.
Basu, G., Kitao, A., Kuki, A., & Go, N. (1998)
Protein Electron Transfer Reorganization Energy Spectrum from Normal Mode
Analysis. II. Application to Ru-modified Cytochrome c. J. Phys. Chem. B 102:2085-2094.
Basu, G., Kitao, A., Kuki, A., & Go, N. (1998)
Protein Electron Transfer Reorganization Energy Spectrum from Normal Mode
Analysis. I. Theory. J. Phys. Chem. B 102:2076-2084.
Kuki, A., Anglos, A., Augspurger, J. D., Basu, G.,
Bindra, V. A., Kubasik, M., Pettijohn, A. (1997) Molecular Optical Rails
Based on Aib, in Modular Chemistry , J. Michl (ed.) pp 503 -
516 Kluwer, Academic Publishers.
Chong, S., Miura, S., Basu, G., & Hirata, F. (1995)
A Molecular Theory for the Non-Equilibrium Free Energy Surface in Electron
Transfer Reaction. J. Phys. Chem. 99:10526-10529.
Basu, G., Kitao, A., Hirata, F., Go, N. (1994)
A Collective Motion Description of the 310-/α-Helix Transition:
Implications For a Natural Reaction Coordinate. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
Basu, G., Kubasik, M., Anglos, D. & Kuki, A. (1993)
Spin-Forbidden Excitation Transfer and Heavy Atom Induced Intersystem Crossing
in Linear and Cyclic Peptides. J. Phys. Chem. 97:3956-3967.
Basu, G., Anglos, D., Kuki, A. (1993)
Fluorescence Quenching in a Strongly Helical Peptide Series: The Role of
Non-Covalent Pathways in Modulating Electronic Interaction. Biochemistry 32:3067-3076.
Basu, G., Kuki, A. (1993) Evidence for a 310-
helical Conformation of an Eight-Residue Peptide from 1H-1H Rotating Frame
Overhauser Studies. Biopolymers 33:995-1000.
62. Basu, G., Kuki, A. (1992) Conformational Preferences of Oligopeptides Rich in α-Aminoisobutyric Acid. II. A Model For The 310- / α-Helical Transition with Composition and Sequence Sensitivity. Biopolymers 32:61-71.
63. Basu, G., Bagchi, K., Kuki, A. (1991) Conformational Preferences of Oligopeptides Rich in α-aminoisobutyric Acid. I. Observation of a 310- / α-Helical Transition upon Sequence Permutation. Biopolymers 31:1763-1774.
64. Basu,
G., Kubasik, M., Anglos, D., Secor, B. & Kuki, A. (1990) Long-Range
Electronic Interactions in Peptides: The Remote Heavy Atom Effect. J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 112:9410-9411.
Integrated MSc-PhD:
Image | Name | Designation | Department | Campus | Contact number |
Group Members:
Dr. Aditya Dev (Research Associate)
Dr. Debamitra Chakravorty(Research Associate)
Bankim Mandal (Senior Research Fellow)
Sudakshina Ganguly (Senior Research Fellow)
Chandradeep Basu (Junior Research Fellow)